
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Have you Funkie-d today?

I know I did Funkie-fied my day today; and to be honest, recently it had became a norm to do so. My day would feel incomplete without getting my dose of Funkie news. My attention span is extremely short, so it’s was a blessing to get ‘bite-size’ news for breakfast. :)

Funkie Munkie

Ta-da! Funkie Munkie is the place to go to get all the Funkie news.

But, there is certainly more to Funkie Munkie than just quirky, out of this world ‘news’, as Funkie Munkie does keeps you updated on various competitions, reviews on latest games and oh, funky tech news. This website is definitely not your typical, run of the mill website. There will be something for everyone there! So head over to

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

K-Pop Hitz Talent Show (Snapshots)


About one month ago, I accompanied my sister to the Berjaya Times Square for the audition of the Astro K-Pop Hitz Talent Show. If I’m not mistaken, the results for the show is already out though I am not sure if Astro has aired it yet. But I’m pretty sure that they have shown the Times Square audition already. Anyway, here are some pictures of I took of that day.

IMG_7515editcolourMy sis, Clarrisha giving it her all. :)


IMG_7511editcolorCute guy rocking his moves. Heh.

IMG_7512editcolorCute guy’s team mates.

IMG_7524editcolorThe host, Jehan Miskin.

IMG_7558editcolorA picture with the host, for memory keepsake.

IMG_7458editcolorI can’t help myself, so yes, another picture of the cute guy.

So, yes.. That is all the picture I have from the audition. Simply because, I left to shop right after Clarrisha performed. :) Like come on, I was at Times Square.. there is a gazillion things to buy there! Hahaa.

Till next time. xoxo.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Random Monday: The Apple Seedling.


Yay, it’s time for another random picture! This time, it is a picture of a an apple seed sprouting out. Mom thinks that this happened because we kept the apple so long that the seed starting growing! Didn’t know that it was even possible. :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Shadow Shoots.

Copy of IMG_7730editcolorThere is something about this picture that emits a rather sombre mood, don’t you feel so?

Personally, shooting in the shadows is awesome. Why? Simply because it can’t capture the facial expression. Quite ironic to say so, as facial expressions are quite crucial for portraits. But I do feel, body movements and posture are just important to make a picture great. I think the pictures in this set is a form of creative photography. What do you think? ;)

Kim ShadowRag Doll Attempt by Kimberly.

IMG_7728color - CopyRag Dolls Attempt by myself and Kim. (One of my favourite pics!)

Again, I’ll say that this impromptu shoot has been pure fun for myself and Kim. I’ll be honest and say that I find myself getting conscious whenever I’m in a photoshoot. Somehow, I always imagined the picture would turn out ugly. Hence, the lack of confidence would show in the pictures too. :( But for this shoot, screw my expression cause you can’t see my face. Hahaa.

Kah Wai Left: Posing Attempt Right: Hourglass figure!

I managed to drag my sis, Clarrisha for a few pictures as well. So happens, she was wearing a bodysuit. Hence, you get a model with curves! LOL. Unlike, my shots with Kim, since we were both wearing dresses.

Kah Wai 1Posing Attempt Part 2.

KahLok copySuperhero To The Rescue?

Oh, yes. We even managed to drag my brother into doing this mini shadow photoshoot. We asked him to give a pose, and these were what he thought of doing. :) Superhero? Hahaa.

* * * * * * * * *

I haven’t seen the hyperactive Kimberly Hong since like February this year and even then, she wasn’t hyper. Possibly because we were in the public area and she’ll be sure to get stares if she starts screaming away. Hahaa, So, pictures below were multiple silly shots taken at one go. Note: They look absolutely silly and I’m amazed I’m even posting this up. :)

* * * * * * * * *

That’s all for now, loves. I've been a little busy lately with an upcoming test. Usually, these tests are no biggie but since I’m currently in the Professional Stage of ICAEW, I should be taking them seriously. Plus, they are in written form questions. And very different from the CFAB multiple choice questions! But I believe that, against all odds, I can do it. Because nothing is impossible. BUT I’M FREAKING OUT NOW. Simply, because I have no mood to study. :O

Monday, July 18, 2011

Random Monday: Cinnamon Sticks.

You have got to love the smell of these sticks. They smell absolutely heavenly. But I’m weird in such a way, that I don’t like them in my food. No wait, that would be an understatement. I hate them in my food, especially the ones in powder form. So, yes. I hate cinnamon rolls too.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Brightest of all the colours.

Sunshineee copy vs 1

Your eyes are the brightest of all the colours. – Thunder, Boys Like Girls. I absolutely heart that song <3 and my nails simply reminds me of that one liner from the song. I mean there is definitely no doubt that my nails are painted in one of the brightest shade of colours. :) Don’t you feel like smiling when you see these beauties? Certainly feels like sunshine to me. What do you think?

To recreate this look, you can try to get these polishes from Etude House and The Face Shop. I used Etude House YL802 (Yellow), Etude House PK012 (Pink) and The Face Shop BL602 (Blue).

Monday, July 11, 2011

Random Monday: Oh, these booties.

I love this shot, like a lot. :) Idea just popped out to put a ruler there to show just how high these heels are. But to be honest, they are just medium-high heels. I haven’t got platform heels yet, or else I would have used those instead. And I hope no one takes offence with the caption in the picture. I don’t mean to insult anyone yea. Because to be honest, I love wearing heels, especially when the occasion is right. Cause I’m not that tall myself. :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Inglot Launch Party!

So lucky that I have been given a chance to attend the Inglot official launch party! I didn’t really take much pictures. Somehow, I wasn’t really in the mood to party that day. (What a waste! They even had champagne and all.)
IMG_7580colorInglot’s Freedom System, which allows you to mix and match (for example; eye shadows) according to your liking.
pagePurple eye shadows and body shimmers. Inglot is really really colourful, I tell you!
IMG_7577colorI think these were gel eye shadows? I’m not sure cause I didn’t ask further. Sowee.
IMG_7585colorThisispurelove, I tell you! So many colours to choose from, you’ll be spoilt for choice, like I did.
IMG_7583colorHad a manicure done on the spot. Unfortunately, the girls there aren’t that good in mani. :( But nevertheless, there extremely helpful! :) Tried the matte top coat. I don’t like it. Original polish, was so much more gorgeous.
IMG_7587colorAnd… Amber Chia + baby graced the launch party! Woot, she is so tall!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Back from Clinique Star Tour!


Like I mentioned earlier, I headed over to the Clinique Star Tour last weekend and boy, did I have a blast. Despite the fact that I was suffering from a major food poisoning. :S I literally dragged myself out of bed after popping a few charcoal pills and fever meds. And to make things worst, Dad dropped us off at Sunway Pyramid when the glorious sun is high up and it’s freaking 40 degrees Celsius outside! (Maybe I exaggerated a bit.)

IMG_7836editresizeThere is the Mobile Makeover Studio and in the other tent, is for the door gift redemption.

Since the event was outdoor, I was already sweaty and looking flushed by the time I was trying to register myself. The Clinique staff actually came over with an umbrella to shade my sis and I. Talk about getting treated like a star! :) After that, I got my RM 35 voucher and I had to fill up the form although I was mentally incoherent with my body.

IMG_7811editresizeTee-hee, it says Blogger!

This is the form that will be given to Clinique staff to fill in the which products they used for the makeover. And the bottom part is submitted to them for the contest.

IMG_7816editresizeBefore the makeover over, they will apply moisturiser and then teach you how to use them. :)

IMG_7815editresizeThis is how the mobile studio looks like. There are a few make up station and another two for the hair touch up.

pageMakeover in progress!

IMG_7826resizeAnd then the photo shoot of course! You get three shots and from the three, you’ll have to choose one to be uploaded on I got to admit, the photographer was really good and professional.

IMG_7829editresizeThe complete range of make up products used for the makeover, you can bring your form here and tell them which products you’re interested in getting!

I really loved the makeover that Clinique has done and I love how the staff there were all so friendly and nice to us. In fact, my sister and I were so amazed that we forgot our door gift! Haha, of course we went back to get them. Inside, there was a Cleo magazine, RM 50 worth of Miko Gelare vouchers, Clinique’s; liquid facial wash, clarifying lotion, moisturising lotion, super city block and volumizing mascara! All worth about RM 130!

IMG_7828coloreditHere’s a picture of sis and I after the makeover! What do you think? Pweety?

km cliniqueTa-da! This was the shot I picked. Can see my awesome possum nails, yo! I love this picture cause of that. Hehe.

Random Monday: Pie Wants You.

Cheese filled pies are god damn sinful. But I don’t care anymore, because I am on a weight gain diet. :D Seriously, I’ve been losing weight faster than I can say what the hell. So, I’m eating carbohydrate, protein and whatever that can help me gain weight healthily. And no, fat is not one of them. [I only weigh 40 freaking kilos now.]