
Monday, October 28, 2013

#TSDayOut to Banting - Part I

Just recently, Tourism Selangor organized yet another TSDayOut after a short hiatus due to the Ramadhan month along with the other festivities lined up. They kicked things off with a trip to Banting this time. And I have been lucky enough to join them again after my last #TSDayOut to Subang Skypark. Click on the link to read about what we did in the Skypark, pretty fun stuff for a seemingly normal place.

Just a short brief of what we did this time around; we started out the trail with a bus ride to have ‘Nasi Lemak Sotong’, visited the ‘kerepek’ factory and finally, we visited the Paya Indah Wetlands. The highlight for the trip for me would definitely be visiting the wetlands, although I must admit that I didn’t know anything about it at all. Sure, I heard of the place before but I don’t actually know anything about it.

I have decided to blog about the rest of the #TSDayOut on another separate post and to just concentrate on my favourite part of the trip; which was the crocodile feeding at the Paya Indah Wetlands. It was my first time seeing crocodiles being fed. Of course, I have seen it on National Geographic but it’s a whole different experience seeing it in person. Besides, this called for a photo opportunity!

I was so excited, I was at the front row (right next to the lorry with the food!) along with all the kindergarten kids too. Haha, I’m amazed with the child in me sometimes. The food they feed to the crocodile stinks really bad by the way, I’m surprised I didn’t feel nausea and sick. Probably too excited to feel anything else.

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Meet my lovely models for the day!

I briefly heard from the guide who mentioned that these crocs were of a more 'ganas' type than those in the National Zoo. There are about thirty to forty crocodiles living in the pond, but I'll only feature some of them today. :p

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Photowalk: Jalan Masjid India, Hari Raya Haji

You know it’s going to be a good day when the first thing you see is a rainbow and a gorgeous sunrise skies. And the moment I saw that, my first reaction was to grab my camera to try to get a better shot of the rainbow (because it was earlier sandwiched between the houses and condo). So, I chased the rainbow in my flip flops with my camera around my neck. By the time I reached the park, the sun was up and the rainbow gone. I would have been upset, but the rainbow was too beautiful and it would be etched in my head anyway. Here’s a quick picture of the sunrise anyway.
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|Jalan Masjid India|

| Meet my friends! Can you guess who is who? |

I was up early because I was joining a few of my friends for a photo walk on the streets. If you know me, you probably know that I don’t head out much to the streets and that I’m so much more of an indoor type of photographer, except for the macro shoots I go. Otherwise, I mostly shoot still life, nails, self-portraits and also food. Shooting on the streets and the streets itself have never been something I liked, because I just don’t go what to look out for and what to shoot basically. In my lifetime so far, I have only shot the streets twice, the first time using the Canon S90 and after that, I borrowed Alex’s Panasonic GX1. You can read about the my first photowalk here (Pudu area) and the second one here (Petaling Street area). I just realised that it’s been approximately 7 months since I last shot on the street. It’s good to see if I have improved over the months.

It was a short shoot, for just a couple of hours (2 hours plus minus) to cover the Jalan Masjid India area and we finished off with lunch at Yut Kee Restaurant, a place is famed for its Hainanese pork chops. I was shooting with my Olympus EPL5 along with a couple of different Olympus Micro Four Thirds lenses. Since we were all using the Olympus Micro Four Thirds camera system, we were able to share and switch lenses for whichever picture we needed another lens for. This was definitely one of the advantage which got me into the MFT system in the first case.

| The Man at the “Kaki Lima” (Five-Foot Way) |

Friday, October 11, 2013

Talika Body Shaping Challenge: Giveaway’s Results & Stage 2 updates!

About few weeks back, I held my first ever giveaway which was graciously sponsored by Talika. If you have been reading my blog, then you would know that I’m actually on the #TalikaBodyShapingChallenge. Do click on the link to know in details what the challenge entails and what my progress were. Anyway, I have started out on two products first as part of the first stage; Bust Phytoserum and Back Up 3D. Read my previous post where I gave my final feedback after using the products for 28 days. Click here.

In that last post, I have also announced a mini giveaway for my followers on Twitter and Instagram, where I had three miniatures sets of Bust Phytoserum and Back Up 3D. The picture below was the promo picture I made for the giveaway, which ended on 30 September 2013, about one week ago.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

“What does travelling means to you?”, she asked.

Mhmm, yea.

It was about five years ago that I made my mind up with a simple decision, one that would change my life. I had, at the tender age of fifteen, decided what my dream is and that I would do all I can to achieve it. I want to travel. From that on, when people asked me what I wanted to do when I grow up, I said I wanted to travel, to see the world. When it comes to the point where I had to decide on a career, I decided on a qualification that would take me to places. One that would allow me to travel.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Eat: Krathong Thai Restaurant, Sri Petaling

Sri Petaling is as good as a second home for me, but frankly it’s far from being a food haven despite the numerous food restaurants that mushroomed in the newer shop lots area. I mean I have a couple of favourites places to head to around that area, but more often not, I find myself clueless of what to eat around Sri Petaling. This other day I was invited to a food review at Krathong Thai Restaurant which is located in Sri Petaling at a place called Glass City. I had no idea where that was until I arrived at the restaurant. As glamorous as Glass City sounds like, it’s basically a place where row of shops were built from just glass. No bricks or cemented wall. That’s all.

So, how was the food at Krathong Thai Restaurant? Read on to find out.

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPineapple Fried Rice, “Khow Ob Sapparod” | RM9 per serving

If I hadn't had a look at the menu, I wouldn't have known that this was actually fried rice with pineapple. As the name suggests, I would assume it was to have pineapple in the rice. If you have the same expectation as I did, please be disappointed because I could hardly tell that it was fried pineapple rice. There were probably traces of pineapple but I don't think I ate any. Pineapple aside, the rice was a tad soggy, but not oily at all. I would say it tasted okay, and very mediocre.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPandan Chicken | Didn’t take down the price of this. Opps.

This dish arrived after the fried rice, with a more promising presentation than the former. I have always personally loved Pandan fried chicken, especially when my mom makes them at home. But she rarely does because of how tedious it was to make them, she'll end up asking me to wrap them for her. The meat used was breast chicken meat and in terms of the taste, again, it wasn't remarkable. It had hints of pandan but somehow if you're expecting a kick or a burst of flavour, this will disappoint.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Eat: Savaro by Felda, Solaris Dutamas

Mhmm, yea.
I am back in Solaris Dutamas yet again for another round of food review. I have this theory that have yet to be proven otherwise that Solaris Dutamas or Publika is the best place to have a good meal. This time, I headed to Savaro by Felda. And yes, you read that right. This restaurant is an initiative by Felda to introduce local delicacies (and some Western food) in a more posh and fine(r) dining like setting.
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P9210528Oxtail Soup | RM13.80

We started off with a serving of Oxtail Soup, something that I have never tasted anywhere. This was my first time trying out oxtail soup but I was smitten with the first slurp. It was a hearty, rich soup. There is a chunk of beef in the soup and it is served with a special artisan bread, The bread was crispy and it complements the soup superbly. I have no complaints for this soup except maybe the portion was too little.

M A I N (s)

P9210537Assam Pedas Fish | RM18.80