
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Another oh-so-perfect day.

I know, I know, I know. I haven’t been blogging for about a week already. And I’m supposingly on a holiday, huh? Well, guess what. I have done plenty of drafts but the thing is, I never got to finish these drafts which explains why there are no new posts on my blog.

Anyway, let’s not get sidetracked. Today is Sunday and it’s basically the day where all my college mates leaves for Genting; almost everyone but me. You want to know the reason why I stayed back? Do me a favor, don’t ask because now I’m so regretting that I didn’t go. And I haven’t even heard about how their trip went, but I’m sure it’s awesome.

But, but, but.. Guess what today turns out to be the perfect day out in The Gardens Mall. It’s so perfect till I have to pinch myself to believe it. Haha, fine. I’m joking. It is just to emphasize my point there. Believe it or not, I’m so in love with today.

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I went to Kim Gary Restaurant for lunch. I had a Ribena with Lemon Ice Blended Drink.


I had Cheese Baked Rice with Chicken Chop. The dessert was tasteless, I didn’t try the soup.


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I have analyzed myself and came out with this conclusion; I suck in food photography, I’m okay with structure and buildings but my best would have to be nature photography. But the reason I suck in taking pictures of food is that because when I’m eating out with my parents, they are usually not that patient, waiting for me to get the right shot. So, I have approximately 30 seconds to get the right shot. Impossible. But with nature, I can. I take walks myself and I have all the time in the world to get that one perfect shot.

* * * * * *

I went for a short walk. I felt the need to prove to myself that I am indeed a better nature photographer, after failing to capture good shots of the food. And I finally managed to use my shutter speed function. I used it for the water feature they have in between the MidValley Mall and The Gardens Mall. The first picture had a faster shutter speed whereas the second has a slower shutter speed. Oh, by the way, which picture of the leaf do you think is better? The bottom or the top one?

My personal take; the top one.


If I could get one wish granted now, I wished that I could turn back the clock today and did what I did today with not a single change to it. Oh, what I’ll do just to go through today again. I’m so in love with today. It’s the 10th.


  1. Quick question: who did u go with? :)

  2. I'll tell you when I see you. :) That is if I know who you are.

  3. Lemme guess.. Monkey?? :D

  4. Err, who is monkey? As far as I can remember I don't have a monkey.

