
Monday, February 28, 2011

Hoppity Hop, here comes the Bunny year!

I know this beyond overdue because Chinese New Year has come and gone since like eons! And it took me that bloody long just to blog about it, but what the hell, I’ve been working late for the past few weeks and when I’m back, I’m really just so exhausted! It actually feels like my bed is sinking when I lie down on it. So anyway, this will be a picture filled post, so do bear with me as I went slightly over the top with my camwhoring pictures.

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IMG_5853 Yee sang! Bunny shaped, what a cute way to welcome the Bunny year! Homemade by cousin sissy. <3

 The Feast! The Feast! The Feast! and the FAT too.

page God! Look at the amount of firecrackers! You know what it felt like when they lighted them? I felt like I was in a warzone.

page1An annual ritual of lighting up the joss sticks.

IMG_5908  Hmm, I like these floating lanterns, but they are very dangerous! They might fall down and start burning houses!

IMG_5894 Because I was directly under the fireworks, I actually took this picture without looking at the camera.

IMG_5922 Chap choy. My first vegetarian meal of the Bunny year.

page3Baby Brandon is oh-so-cute! He likes to bite my fingers though. :)

IMG_6044 Rain rain go away. :( It rained during Chinese New Year!

page4 Finally ate at the decades (?) old Sek Yuen! Food is quite good, it serves unusual dishes like the two above. The top one is the Pat Poh Stuffed Duck and the bottom one is Cold Jelly Chicken.

IMG_6051 Meet the dragon biscuits that doesn’t even look like a dragon. Taste just as awesome though!

IMG_6076Playing poker with peanut as chips! These guys are plain hilarious. :)













Here’s one for the album! xx.

























Thursday, February 17, 2011

A break from this world.

IMG_5787 My lovelies. <3

If I were to take a break from this world and I could only bring two stuffs along with me, I would bring my Domo beanie (which I named him Dodomo) and my Canon S90, Cammy.

IMG_6098 Meet Little Dodomo with his new Lego earphones!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What I do at work.

Thisiswork copy

Can you see those gazillion gray-scaled words in the picture above? Seems like a hell lot of words, right? Well, for the past few days, I typed more words than I ever had in one month. Because I am now the ‘typist’ in my engagement team, I had to extract minutes and sort, and boy, these public listed have tonnes of those meetings. And my internship experience wouldn’t be complete with a little run-around getting lunches. Haha, it’s not like I mind cause I would so rather get lunches than typing till I could fall asleep.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

This was worth three ringgit, hours of pure hard work and yes, sweat.

1Super thinly sliced arrowroots which are then deep fried, ‘nga ku’ in Cantonese. One of the most favourite homemade CNY delicacies. Whole family loved this, sissy bugged mom until she agree to fry it. Took them 5 hours, yo. Not easy, not easy. And, the hard work is all eaten up in 5 mins!

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Bunny Year! copy

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Good Ole’ French Manicure


I have a confession. I have never done a French manicure before. Haha, it’s like I’m so obsessed with nails but I have yet to try the timeless French mani. I finally did it today and I just can’t get enough of it. Totally love it. I used Faceshop’s polishes for this, along with some stickers to guide me.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Valentine’s Day Guide: Forget those cliché gifts!

The most celebrated over-rated day is exactly two weeks away. Girls love this day, guys loathe the part where they have to crack their brains to think of what to get their beloved girlfriends without disappointing them, of course. And honestly, some gifts are so synonymous with this day that the prices rocket sky high. Plus they can be so cliche, it’s boring really to get that kind of gifts.

Handmade Roses copy I would so prefer to get this kind of roses that will last an eternity than fresh roses. Plus, you know the guy actually put in tonnes of effort for this. Trust me, they are not easy to make.

Strawberries copy Chocolates are too fattening! Unless you want your girlfriend to be fat, don’t give chocolates. Give her Sticky candies instead, they taste awesome! And they come in with I-love-you messages on it. And if your girlfriend needs chocolate to live, give her those strawberries dipped in choco. Mhmm, delicious.

Beanies copy Teddy bears are so yesterday! These beanies and plushies are really much nicer to hug than a furry bear.

Personalized Gifts copy  I think if I got these for Valentine’s Day, I would go speechless… then scream OMG. Hahaha. Isn’t it sweet if your boyfriend turns up in a shirt with your initials on it.

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Note: The pictures in this post are pretty, ain’t it? Some of them were taken from Google Images and some was taken by myself and grabbed from my friend’s FB. I took like a whole entire day editing these pictures and putting them into nice background in Photoshop! So do appreciate it. :)