
Thursday, February 3, 2011

This was worth three ringgit, hours of pure hard work and yes, sweat.

1Super thinly sliced arrowroots which are then deep fried, ‘nga ku’ in Cantonese. One of the most favourite homemade CNY delicacies. Whole family loved this, sissy bugged mom until she agree to fry it. Took them 5 hours, yo. Not easy, not easy. And, the hard work is all eaten up in 5 mins!

* * * * * * *

Bunny Year! copy


  1. I LOVE arrowroot!!! My mom makes these all the time! Wow it's so weird and amazing to know you do it too, lol...great, now I'm hungry

  2. Haha, my mom only makes it during CNY. And, my mistake it's not actually called arrowroots, it's actually arrowheads.

    PS - Read your submission essay for BRAT. I think it's really good. Good luck for it. :D
