
Saturday, October 15, 2011

From FreshKon, the Alluring Eyes Range.

I dare say that it is not uncanny to find most girls wearing coloured contacts these days, especially those lens that are able to make the eyes look bigger. I have stumbled upon these so call Korean Geo Lens, going at about RM 25 per pair which is pretty cheap but I heard some warnings that the ink from the lens could come out. :O Because of that, I was kind of afraid of wearing coloured contacts….. that was of course before I came across FreshKon cosmetic contact lens that comes with power.


I was particularly interested in the Alluring eyes range because of the natural shades available. As much as I would love to have bigger eyes, I didn’t one to come across looking like Ju On or rather, a ghost, with eyes far too huge.


So, out of the four shades available, I chose Winsome Brown seeing my eyes are of slighter darker brown. I was hoping that the lens would bring up the brown in my eyes. Do you think the lens managed to do so? :) I felt the lens look really natural and it is almost like my eyes were really of that light brown shade.

IMG_9168 editHere is a close up picture of the lens, and how the lens look on my eyes.

The lens from this range features a full circle print, resulting in a bigger and brighter eyes with a high water content (55%) for better comfort. And I must say, it is pretty comfortable and I didn’t experience a slight sting or blurred vision at the edges (as these are pretty normal for first time coloured contacts wearer). I found the lens really soft as well compared to my usual lens, it is close to being flimsy but not quite there yet. You can wear the lens for more than 8 hours too, thankfully!


In case you didn’t know, FreshKon Malaysia is having a Model Search contest on their FB's page. It is pretty simple to join the contest and the steps are summarised as below for you. :) I have joined the contest, have you?


For more information about the Alluring Eyes contacts, you can watch the short video clip below.

And one last picture of myself with the lens, but I tried not to smile and ended up looking too serious? Haha.

IMG_9196I think I wasn’t staring at the camera? Haha, my camwhore skill so #phail.

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