
Monday, October 8, 2012

About: Project etc.

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I really haven’t been able to work out a schedule or a way to balance my work with blogging (and about every other things I love to do), yet. Hence, updates can be really rare at the moment until I manage to balance between that both. Actually work hasn’t started for me yet, because I am still in training. But I’m caught up with something else, I call it my project and it’s known as etc

So what is this project about anyway? If that picture looks familiar to you, chances are you already know what etc. is about. etc. was started purely based on my passion for fashion, also dressing up, and my love for shopping. I was an avid online shopper, always browsing for clothes from the many many blogshops they are available on the Internet. And then, I realized that it’s kind of difficult to find unique pieces online anymore because everyone is selling the same sh*t. Seriously, it can get so boring and I even know of a blog set up purposely just to compare the prices. Link here.

This was when I started sourcing for items, really unique piece of clothing where you basically don’t see them anywhere. And I’ve been able to find some interesting pieces, fall madly in love with them and made them mine. Then, I somehow came to a realization that I’ve actually harboured a secret desire to become a shopper/buyer for fashion companies all this while. It hit me, one day but I was contemplating on whether I should open up a blogshop; especially when the market is too saturated with so much competition.

However, if I didn’t start it now, I’ll never be able to do so… I’ll be so pre-occupied with work and I just won’t have time. I did end up setting up etc. (only in September, where midways I start on my full-time job) and since then, we have done about four batches of pre-orders. :) 

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If anything, I do hope that etc. does take off successfully (in time) and gain more popularity amongst the online shopping community. Of course, that would be my dream for this humble little project of mine. But at the moment, I quite like how it is turning out. etc. is slowly building up its base, (I hardly publicise or promote it, although I ought to. I’m just relying on the review sites now.), and at the moment I can still juggle it between everything else.

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If you like what you see here, do hop over to etc. at There are a lot more lovely pieces there, (didn’t want to spam my blog with more pictures + driving traffic there, heh). I update it almost every week, so do pop by there and email me at to order.

And best part of this whole project etc. is, (since I’m the boss, hee) I can give you, my readers and my friends a discount of 5% on your orders (excluding postage). All you need to do is just include the keyword; itsmylifewhen you place your order. :) So, shop away?! :D

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