
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Talika Body Shaping Challenge [Pt.3] – New Challenge!

I first blogged about the #TalikaBodyShapingChallenge here, and that was the first part of the challenge where I briefly mentioned about the two products, Bust Phytoserum and Back Up 3D that I was given an opportunity to test, under the Body Shaping Challenge. (To know more about the challenge, read my earlier posts; "So, challenge me." , " #TalikaBodyShapingChallenge [Pt.1] " , " #TalikaBodyShapingChallenge [Pt.2] ".

The duration for the first half of the #TalikaBodyShapingChallenge had been for 28 days, approximately one month with two products for the bust area and the derrière (butt) area. I have completed the first half of the challenge with pretty satisfying results which I will post about in another blog post. You might want to look out for that because *hint*give*hint*away!

And now, it’s time for the second half of the Talika’s Body Shaping Challenge with two all new products! One of which I am pretty excited to test because well, I’m chubby. So, which product is it? They are the Shaping Serum and Zero Stretch Marks. Since I don’t have much of stretch marks, I have asked my mom to do the review for me instead, that means she’ll be testing, using and then reviewing the Talika’s Zero Stretch Marks product. As for myself, I’ll be using the Shaping Serum, for my chubby face, slightly bulgy tummy and flubby upper thighs. And yes, thin people have fats too, okay. 0.0

Anyhow, let’s meet the products! :)

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAZero Stretch Marks | RM159 for 100ml

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAShaping Serum | RM260 for 200ml

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAShaping Serum | The product comes in a tube, and to apply you’ll need to squeeze the bottle. Something I don’t quite like, but we’ll see.

I haven’t actually begin using this product yet but seeing that Monday is tomorrow, I decided to start the challenge on Monday itself so that it’ll be easier for me to keep track of the days. This product can be use on any problem areas from below the nose area onwards. Which is why I’m pretty much excited to try and see if it can shape my chubby cheeks. I have always wanted a sharper and more defined jawline, I am hoping to see results for this. I have other problem areas too, it’s nothing major but I do hope it can be improved with this product. Will leave the details of that in another post.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis picture is part of my Project 52, which I have yet to post up. Meet picture #35.

Meet my chubby cheeks which needs shaping! Haha. I never liked my picture from a side angle like this, it’s just so meh. I really do hope the Shaping Serum will slim those puffy cheeks. Anyway, I promise I will do a proper before and after post, plus a review of the Shaping Serum. Will keep you girls posted on my mom’s progress of the other Zero Stretch Marks products as well.

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