
Monday, April 30, 2018

Beauty : Discovering Belif’s Prime Infusion Repair Program Ampoule

When it comes to skincare regime, we are indeed blessed that these days we can be spoilt for choices. There are a myriad of products of different functionality with each of these boasting specific features that our skin may need. Just as we familiarise ourselves with skincare essences, serums and creams are, we’re hit with another new type of beauty product – the ampoule.

The ampoule has been quite a thing in Korea for awhile now. It is a potent, viscous fluids, sometimes packed in vials or dropper-type bottles, which are said to produce almost instant results on the skin. You should think of it as a booster shot. These ampoules often contain a higher number of active ingredients and are used for a finite amount of time. Although this have been already been introduced in Korea, there is little exposure on the usage benefits in our regions.

belif’s Prime Infusion Repair Program Ampoule

I’ve been introduced to these wonders by one of my favourite Korean skincare brand, belif which have recently launched their Prime Infusion Repair Program Ampoule. This is a customised 6 weeks Special Program Ampoule which is designed to deliver maximized anti-aging effects through phased intensive care based upon belif Prime Infusion Range’s superior regenerative properties.

How it works is through a six-week intensive care program, you’ll be using a step-by-step ampoules. Each bottle of ampoule is considered as a step and with each step taken, it helps to hydrate, nourish, and return the rough skin to resilient skin. It’s formulated with Mountain Daisy, a traditional English medical herb that was loved by the British royal family and also fondly known as ‘the healing herb”. It is a medical herb that is known for its purifying and regenerating effect.

Step 1: Reset

This Reset ampoule helps to turn uneven skin texture into silky and soft, with its soft, non-irritating old dead skin cell removal properties. In addition, there are also added marshmallow root as one of its main ingredient. This root consists of mucilage, thick, gluey substance produced by the marshmallow root which helps to soften and remove old dead skin cells.

My thoughts on it was that it was actually a lot thicker than I initially thought it would be. But this is due to the how rich the product is packed with, hence that would explain its thickness. belif has placed emphasis on their use of natural herbs for their products, this I have discovered from using some of their Signature products prior to this. As with all their products, the scent has always been pleasant and one that I grew fond of.

So much so that I often look forward to the application of the ampoule on my skin everyday. When I started using it, my face’s condition certainly was nowhere near ideal, I had some bumps and some odd pimples over it. One of the purpose of this ampoule is to improve my skin’s condition to a silky smooth condition, which I found to be true. From the period of two weeks, I was able to notice the improvement in using the product. I regret not taking a before  picture for comparison but I can assured you, it works amazing for me.

A good benchmark on how effective this product is for me is when the huge pimple near my cheek bone have started shrinking after the usage of the ampoule. It was noticeably less inflamed and red compared to the time before I started on the product. As always, I would like to highlight that it’s not a miracle product but one that would need time for the results to show. So, be patient and diligent in using the products for it to take effect.

Step 2: Recover

The Recover ampoule is formulated with various types of natural moisturizing agents that provides long-lasting moisturizing solution without the stickiness than most of these creams or other products has. Specifically for this ampoule, Grape Vine’s sap has amazing antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties.

Among one of the main benefits of the sap is that it contains a potent natural substance which can restore radiance to one’s skin. How this ampoule is designed to work is for it to softly embraces the skin and penetrates deeply into the skin and leave both moisturizing and firming effects after application. As each step takes two weeks to complete, I’m now beginning this second step. So, while I cannot go in depth on the results, what I can share about is my initial thoughts and impression based on the product.

This ampoule has a cloudy appearance, in comparison with the earlier step of Reset which is clearer and almost see-through like. In terms of consistency, it is more watery and was easier to absorb after massaging it thoroughly on the face. Just as what the product description have stated, it’s true that there is barely a hint of sticky feeling after application.

Step 3: Reactivate

The final ampoule of the this intensive program which spans over a period 6 weeks, is also a highly concentrated, rich formula that can penetrates deeply into the skin. This Reactivate ampoule will help to improve skin elasticity and leave skin with smooth, radiant finish. With lotus being one of the main ingredients for this ampoule, it will help to detoxify your skin especially since it has strong anti-oxidant effects.

Similar to the earlier Reset  ampoule, this one almost has cloudy appearance but it has a thicker consistency as compared to the previous ampoule. In terms of the scent, I loved this one the most because it has floral notes as well as some mild fragrant smell of herbs too. As expected, it was easy to absorb by the skin with no hint of residue sticky feeling.

As I mentioned earlier, I am still currently in the midst of the Step 2 so I won’t be able to comment much on the effectiveness of the ampoules for both Step 2 and Step 3 but I will be updating this space as I complete each step. Keep a look out for that. :)

Roadshow at Mid Valley Megamall

Besides sharing my initial thoughts on the belifs Prime Infusion Repair Program Ampoule, I wanted to take this opportunity to share that there will be a roadshow in Mid Valley Megamall. This roadshow is held in conjunction with the Prime Infusion Repair Program Ampoule as the main theme. But the highlight of it would be the 10% discount code of purchases made during the roadshow.

The set of ampoule is priced at RM 525 for all three of the bottles. Hence, if you are planning to get these ampoules, there is never a better opportunity to do so now. Hurry on over today, 30 April 2018 till 6 May 2018 to catch the roadshow. Note: The miniatures are not included in the prices of the ampoules above. 

Venue: North Void 2, Mid Valley Megamall (in front of TOMEI & The body shop)

Discount code: CARMENH

Do check the roadshow out and share with me on your purchases made! Plus, I’m sure there would be various activities held during the roadshow which can help you understand better about the brand as well as their wide range of products which would cater to each and every different needs any ladies can have!

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