Monday, September 30, 2013

Walk in The Park: August, twenty thirteen





I briefly mention in the Butterfly Park post that I’m looking to bring the Walk in The Park series back to life, so instead of flooding my blog with individual pictures from these walks, I have decided to do the monthly edition instead. This is a backlog for the month of August. Kudos to my brother with his sharp eyes for pointing out subjects for me to shoot.

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All pictures were all shot with Olympus EPL-5 handheld with the Olympus M.Zuiko 60mm F2.8 macro lens.

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(For previous pictures from the Walk in the Park series, click here.)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Eat: San Hui Wei (Chong Qing) Steamboat, SS2

With the wet, rainy and cold season lately, my comfy sweater have been a staple in my everyday wear together with a new favourite comfort food. No prizes for guessing it right because it’s so obvious. None other than steamboat itself, those boiling hot pots of yummy goodness helps to keep the body warm during dinner and oh-so-delicious. Yums! Which is why it’s probably not surprising that I have been having them every other day. I have a couple of usual places to head to for steamboats and top on the list is Ho Ho Steamboat (they have the best soup base ever!) and Hometown Steamboat (try the porridge with the fermented bean curd sauce, it’s so damn good).

But it looks like I might add on another restaurant to the list, and it’s called San Hui Wei located in SS2. Completely honest, I find myself getting turned off by any restaurants located in any area which begins with “SS”. I have very valid reasons to, because more often than those areas are often congested and parking is always a bitch. I visited the restaurant on a working day for dinner, so needless to say it was jammed to get there but surprise surprise we were lucky to find a parking there.


I should mention that this restaurant is not just another steamboat restaurant because it serves an authentic Chongqing style steamboat, whereby a special spice known as “flower pepper” or Sichuan Pepper is added into the soup, combined with chillies which makes it spicy. So, the key difference from this place compared to others would be the soup bases.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Snap: Butterfly Park, Kuala Lumpur

A few weekends ago, I was out for photo walk in the Butterfly Park with a couple of friends (all of whom uses the Micro Four Thirds system camera). It all started with me asking Robin Wong, to teach me some tips on shooting macro with my Olympus M.Zuiko 60mm F2.8 macro lens which I have gotten along with my Olympus EPL-5. The reason why I got myself that lens was because I have always have an inclination to shoot macro insects even with my Canon S90  back then. So, anyway I haven’t been able to do much macro shooting lately so I thought it’ll be a good idea to have a macro photo walk.

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One of my favourite pictures is the last picture above of a hairy spider, which was really puny actually. He was probably the size of my finger nails. I only started getting better macro shots (which was only the last two spiders when I joined Robin back for the last part of the walk, where he gave me tips on how to work a macro shot). Before that, I was walking with Alex who was assisting me with the flash unit.

Can I be honest and say that I was tad disappointed with my pictures when I got back to review them? There were a couple more shots but because I was careless in reviewing my pictures on the spot, in terms of the focus of the pictures I had to forgo many of these “potential” pictures, which was a waste really. Well, lesson to be learned here is to be more careful when I’m shooting macro. But I’m definitely going back to the Butterfly Park to shoot macro again, and if you’re interested too, do join me! Just let me know, :)

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Thank you to Robin Wong, Jackie (+ girlfriend), Alex and Robin’s friends for making it for the photo walk, I hope you guys had fun. Robin has posted the pictures from the walk on his blog (his pictures was really gorgeous and it made me rather hesitant on posting my pictures) Insect Macro Shooting and Jackie has also posted his pictures Macro: Butterfly Park on his blog.

All pictures were all shot with Olympus EPL-5 handheld with the Olympus M.Zuiko 60mm F2.8 macro lens; ISO 200 and an aperture between f/5.6 to f/7.1. Flash was fired remotely in some of the pictures.

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This post is categorized under Walk in The Park in an attempt to bring the series back to live. A little background information on the series; it started out with walks I take to the park armed with my trusty Canon S90 way back in 2010 (when I first got that camera then). I take these walks pretty often and they were like my shutter therapy session. These walks had also sparked my interest in macro shooting. But nowadays I rarely make these walks, starting this series again, I hope to take more walks and get more pictures to post. I won’t be limiting the series to just the park in my place but basically any other parks I visit to. So, keep an out for this series. :)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Eat: Ante Kitchen & Bar, Solaris Dutamas – Part I

It’s probably a no surprise that one of my favourite place to chill and have a good meal is in Publika, I absolutely love that place. It’s like all the good eateries decided to get together and open their places in one central location, Publika or more accurately, Solaris Dutamas. So, what’s new discovery have I stumbled upon? It’s Ante Kitchen & Bar! This place is not exactly new, I have heard of them before from couple of friends.

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P A R T  O N E


For this review, I will be posting two separate posts on it because it’s a handful to cram them into one post. I’ll be talking about the soups, pasta, pizzas and the drinks in this post. The rest, well, I’ll leave it for another post. :3 Look out for that post, yea.

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S O U P (s)




I don’t think there would be a big surprise as to which is my favourite soup, because I’m predictable like that. Of all the soups that I had taste of, I loved the Chunky Mushroom Soup for a damn obvious reason. You can find mushroom soups at any, like seriously any western restaurants, but once you have a taste of this, you’ll love this over any other. Most of the other mushroom soups are prepared using pre-made stocks or canned soup, those are “eek, yuck”. But this one, the chunks of mushrooms are all over the soup so you know fresh mushrooms are used and they are bountiful in the soup; there is at least more than 4 types in it.

Everyone else seemed to love the Cream of Pumpkin, which I found was lovely and creamy with a rich pumpkin taste. Yet, it wasn’t too overwhelming. I generally dislike pumpkin, but if I think that this is okay, it means it’s good enough. The Chef’s Tomasco Soup didn’t quite leave an impression on me, chances are because the Chunky Mushroom Soup has stole all the limelight from the soups. One thing worth mentioning is the crispy croutons made in house which is served with all the soups. It is one of the crispiest, lightest and tasty croutons I have ever eaten. Just one bite, and the croutons crumbles in your mouth. Imagine this with the soups, mhmm yums!


P I Z Z A (s)


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASignature Chorizo & Bacon | RM27

The pizzas from Ante Kitchen & Bar are the crunchy thin crust pizzas, but unlike your usual pizzas these are oblong shaped. I found them quite adorable and it is easier for sharing as well. To get the best from these pizzas, it was recommended to use your hands to eat them. They are so crispy thin that it actually looks ridiculous to try to cut a thin crust pizza and then proceed to struggle with forking it up into your mouth. I had a bite of the Mixed Shroom first, which actually is a vegetarian pizza filled with mushrooms. Except I didn’t taste much of the mushrooms, just some capsicum and cheese and crust. Yeah, mehhh.

Then, I took a bite of the Signature Chorizo & Bacon and my taste buds literally went *boom*. The bacon, the pork chorizo, *mumbles* ahfsgdf. It was so good. Maybe it was because I had the plain, bland vegetarian pizza before this and in contrast, the Chorizo & Bacon tasted way better. Everything in that pizza was good because of the generous amount of bacon and the pork chorizo, every bite will have you go “ahh, give me more”.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA(close up) Signature Chorizo & Bacon | RM27


P A S T A (s)

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Real Bacon Cabonara | RM26



If I could use one word, just one to summarise these pasta I would say, “creamy”. Actually that word doesn’t quite apply to the Seafood Marinara, but for the Curry Cream Pasta and The Real Bacon Cabonara, it was that. It was so creamy that I thought the pasta used in these two dishes were different from the Seafood Marinara. I’ll be frank and say that I prefer my pasta less creamy and thick. I’d like to slurp my pasta without getting the excess sauce all over my lips, thank you very much. Now don’t get me wrong, the curry and the carbonara was both tasty, just a tad creamy. You can add for some lemons with the carbonara by the way. The marinara was pretty normal and didn’t leave any impression on me.


D R I N K (s)



I actually didn’t quite like both the mocktails, even though it was highly recommended. Not to say that it tasted horrible, it was more of the lack of “oohmph” and it felt like it was just a jumble mix of whatever nearest drinks they got their hands on and concocted these. Passion Fruit Mojito is concocted with mint, passion fruit and soda whereas Rosie’s Lychee Fizz has lychee, lime and pandan leaf.  If you’re more of a tea person, I’d recommend the Nymph on the Mile. It’s a flower based tea, so it smells really good and taste even better. You actually get a pretty after taste. Yes, pretty. You’ll feel a very pretty and aromatic after taste.

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So, that’s all for the first part of the Ante Kitchen & Bar, do look out for the second part of the review next week.

You can find them at A2-G1-09, Solaris Dutamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (03-6206 3364)

&. Thanks to Foodirector and Ante Kitchen & Bar for having me. +

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Note: The pictures in the post took me the longest to edit using Lightroom, probably because I only used the Olympus M.Zuiko 60mm F2.8 macro lens to shoot this time around. Why? I wanted to try something different, I shot with the same lens for the Zakuro 2, Scott Garden review. I came home, sulked the entire time during the edits of the pictures and this time, it’s no different. Shooting with the 60mm macro lens is somewhat ridiculous because the focus area of the lens is almost ridiculously tiny, especially when I haven’t even learned how to use it properly. :| Nevertheless, I hope you found the post enjoyable and the food looking good. For the moment, I’ll be sticking to using my kit lens for food first.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Talika Body Shaping Challenge [Pt.4] – Stage One’s Wrap Up + Giveaway!

I never saw myself as pretty, let alone beautiful; I never could. But no, I don’t go around telling everyone that I think I’m ugly either. I just do that to myself in my head, which drives me crazy sometimes. How do you look into the mirror, stare straight into it, examining every inch of your body and feel good? There is bound to be some flaws somewhere, and the insecure mind would search that out, magnify it and then proceed to make you feel unconfident. 

I briefly mentioned here how I had my confidence crushed and how the two products from Talika (Bust Phytoserum and Back Up 3D) helped me gain back that confidence bit by bit. The last couple of months have been rather crazy with work piling all over, and having too many emotional issues to deal with, I stopped working out and that didn’t help with feeling good about myself. But the saving grace was that I accepted the Talika Body Shaping Challenge and was given the two products I mentioned above.

The challenge went on for 28 days, and I was meaning to post a final closure on the results of the challenge but I was down with a stupid infection (which I have to wear a bandage all the time and I can’t get it wet). To make it worse, I’m constantly feeling lethargic, although I’m not sure if it’s related. But anyway, I feel better now and managed to shoot in a few pictures to show the results of the challenge.


So, the pictures I’m posting in this entry is one hundred per cent my body and not enhanced using Photoshop in any way. At the point of the shoot, I have only been applying the two products occasionally, just to show you that the results from the Talika Body Shaping Challenge is not temporary. :)


Previously, I wouldn’t have dared to fit myself into a low V-neck, figure hugging dress and one in the colour grey. Why? Grey is a lighter colour and with a dress that hugs so tightly like a second skin, you’re likely to expose your flaws while wearing the dress. But, look! The dress fits me and I actually wore it out to a food review dinner, where I would meet people I don’t know. We’re all more likely to be self-conscious with strangers. If before the Body Shaping Challenge, I am more likely to just lust at the dress and wish I could wear it out with confidence instead.


But now, woot, give me any figure hugging dress please and thank you, I will wear them out. Just the other day, I went out shopping and got myself 10 dresses in a couple of hours only, because I can’t wait to wear more pretty dresses with this new found confidence. If you have been reading my posts throughout the journey, or you’ve just read this post and after reading, you’re planning to get these products…. then I have some good news for you!

Talika have been ever so kindly sponsored me with three (3) miniature set of the Bust Phytoserum and Back Up 3D (15ml each) for me to give away to my readers/followers. So, I’m going to have a mini giveaway. Yay! My first giveaway too. ;)

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis giveaway is only open to residents of Malaysia, with winners chosen by random and it ends on 30 September 2013!

Do make sure you follow all the steps to qualify as an entry, and you can only win once! But you are more than welcomed to ask your friends and family to join too. I’ll be throwing in some other goodies too, like *ahem* make-up products and infinity rings/bracelets from my online blogshop. So, share away!


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Lilac Encounter: Launch of Roses de Chloé


Growing up as a teenager and then when I’m in my twenties, I have never been one to fancy perfumes. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I’m against wearing perfumes or I am allergic to them, but rather I tend to forget to wear them out. I’m always in a rush! I was at the recent launch of Roses de Chloé, (thanks to The Lilac Box for the exclusive invite) where Chloé Fashion House has launched their latest perfume inspired by lovely roses.


I had a whiff of the Roses de Chloé perfume and it was so easy to fall straight in love with the scent. It was the refreshing scent that hits the right notes, smelling like freshly cut roses with the stem still moist and petals so soft. I read Heiresses by Lulu Taylor before and since it was about perfumes, I got some of my perfume education from reading the book. I know of the three stages of the smell of the perfume (I did a quick Google search and found that these three stages are called the perfume “notes”).

Here’s an excerpt from an online article I found on perfumes;

“Because perfumes evaporate it leaves three stages of “notes” – impressions left behind in some sort of lingering scent. The top note is the immediate scent you’ll notice when you smell the perfume at first, and it doesn’t last long. The next note is the heart note, the “essence” of the perfume that helps people understand what the perfume is about. Finally, the base note is the last stage – this one gives the main fragrant message.” - [source]


So, what are the notes for the Roses de Chloé perfume? The top note is derived from bergamot, with the heart of the note being the Damascena rose essence combined with magnolia. The base note, the scent left on the skin is white musk and amber (the signatures scent from Chloé). I know it’s a bit difficult to imagine the scent just from the my description but personally, it was one of those perfume that I won’t get bored from smelling too often of. First whiff of ‘freshly cut roses’, what’s there not to love. I love the lingering ‘after scent’ much more than the first whiff though.


Meet the gorgeous boxed Roses de Chloé perfume. Pictured above is the 50ml one. If you’re interested to get a whiff of the perfume, it’ll be available in October 2013 onwards at the beauty counters. Other than Roses de Chloé perfume, there will be shower gel, body lotion and deodorant of the scent if you can’t get enough of it. The pricelist is as follows;

Roses de Chloé EDT 30ml – RM198

Roses de Chloé EDT 50ml – RM293

Roses de Chloé EDT 75ml – RM360

Roses de Chloé Shower Gel 150ml – RM150

Roses de Chloé Body Lotion 150ml – RM185

Roses de Chloé Deodorant 100ml – RM135


And here are some pictures from the launch party, where they had a really beautiful display of freshly cut roses dangling downwards. It was so pretty, it called for a photo opportunity!



Meet the signature Chloé scent, which was launched a couple of years back which have been a hit with the ladies back then and still is. The launch was the first time i had a whiff of it, and it smells so good! Well, I have always been a fan of roses and the Chloé perfume was mostly roses essence based.


And here I am at the Roses de Chloé photo wall, couldn’t resist getting a picture of the bouquet of roses we made along with my favourite dress! Love <33 Thanks, Fish for snapping this lovely picture.

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So, will you be anticipating for the arrival of the Roses de Chloé perfume? You should, because it’s so easy to love a rose based scent. October can’t come sooner! :)

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&. Thanks to The Lilac Box for the invitation as a Lilac Blogger and Chloé for having me. +

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Meet the Olympus’s flagship OMD EM-1!


The much awaited day for Olympus fans have arrived, with today being the worldwide launch of the Olympus’s Flagship OMD EM-1! This is the first time, I’m actually this excited with a launch of a camera product, what more an Olympus one. Even when the EP-5 was launched, I wasn’t that excited, neither did I anticipate for the official launch. But it’s different with the EM-1, mainly because this is Olympus’s Flagship product, a first of its kind. And also, because I have friends who are Olympur M43 users which got me excited as well.


Pictures of the OMD EM-1 have been leaked online on the 43rumors, and yes, that’s exactly how it looks like. No surprises there. I have been lucky enough to see, touch and shoot with the OMD EM-1 before the official launch because I was assisting TVSmith, (a popular Malaysian photographer who shoots everyday things but turns them into interesting subjects) with his review on the EM-1. It was easy to fall in love with the EM-1 because of so many things; it’s lighter, it feels solid … I could go on and on but then again, these are just my thoughts.


For a complete and proper reviews with sample pictures taken by the Olympus OMD EM-1, you can visit TVSmith’s blog. He have done an in-depth review and a pretty intense test on what the OMD EM-1 claims to be able to do to, so you can view the pictures over on his blog. Besides him, my other favourite photographer and extreme humble friend, Robin Wong will also be reviewing the camera. Robin is no stranger to the Olympus fans, because of his reviews on the Olympus lenses and cameras, as well as the Micro Four Thirds camera system. Ming Thein, another fantastic photographer will also be reviewing the camera, so again you can check it out on his blog.



If you’re in Malaysia and would like to see the camera up-close, Olympus Malaysia will have a touch and try event for the OMD EM-1 on September 21st and 22nd. You can register for that here; Hurry up because seats are limited! I have attended the EP-5 touch and try event before and it was really fun, so you can expect the same for the OMD EM-1.


I know I said I wasn’t going to post on any sort of reviews/pictures of the OMD EM-1 but being TVSmith’s camera assistant, I got to fire a lucky shot in between of shoots and this was what I managed to capture with the OMD EM-1. Seeing this picture, I’m just amazed with what the OMD EM-1 can do. Like mind blown. No edits were done for that picture, just used the Dramatic Art Filter in the camera.


And, I’ll end this post with a picture of myself modelling the OMD EM-1 as shot by TVSmith.


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Pictures of the miniature OMD EM-1 was shot with the Olympus EPL5 with the Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f/2.8 Macro Lens, shot in a light tent.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Talika Body Shaping Challenge [Pt.3] – New Challenge!

I first blogged about the #TalikaBodyShapingChallenge here, and that was the first part of the challenge where I briefly mentioned about the two products, Bust Phytoserum and Back Up 3D that I was given an opportunity to test, under the Body Shaping Challenge. (To know more about the challenge, read my earlier posts; "So, challenge me." , " #TalikaBodyShapingChallenge [Pt.1] " , " #TalikaBodyShapingChallenge [Pt.2] ".

The duration for the first half of the #TalikaBodyShapingChallenge had been for 28 days, approximately one month with two products for the bust area and the derrière (butt) area. I have completed the first half of the challenge with pretty satisfying results which I will post about in another blog post. You might want to look out for that because *hint*give*hint*away!

And now, it’s time for the second half of the Talika’s Body Shaping Challenge with two all new products! One of which I am pretty excited to test because well, I’m chubby. So, which product is it? They are the Shaping Serum and Zero Stretch Marks. Since I don’t have much of stretch marks, I have asked my mom to do the review for me instead, that means she’ll be testing, using and then reviewing the Talika’s Zero Stretch Marks product. As for myself, I’ll be using the Shaping Serum, for my chubby face, slightly bulgy tummy and flubby upper thighs. And yes, thin people have fats too, okay. 0.0

Anyhow, let’s meet the products! :)

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAZero Stretch Marks | RM159 for 100ml

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAShaping Serum | RM260 for 200ml

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAShaping Serum | The product comes in a tube, and to apply you’ll need to squeeze the bottle. Something I don’t quite like, but we’ll see.

I haven’t actually begin using this product yet but seeing that Monday is tomorrow, I decided to start the challenge on Monday itself so that it’ll be easier for me to keep track of the days. This product can be use on any problem areas from below the nose area onwards. Which is why I’m pretty much excited to try and see if it can shape my chubby cheeks. I have always wanted a sharper and more defined jawline, I am hoping to see results for this. I have other problem areas too, it’s nothing major but I do hope it can be improved with this product. Will leave the details of that in another post.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis picture is part of my Project 52, which I have yet to post up. Meet picture #35.

Meet my chubby cheeks which needs shaping! Haha. I never liked my picture from a side angle like this, it’s just so meh. I really do hope the Shaping Serum will slim those puffy cheeks. Anyway, I promise I will do a proper before and after post, plus a review of the Shaping Serum. Will keep you girls posted on my mom’s progress of the other Zero Stretch Marks products as well.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Eat: TasteMIGF, Sunway Pyramid

If you haven’t heard, TasteMIGF is running only for this weekend (last day tomorrow!) at Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre. MIGF simply stands for Malaysia International Gourmet Festival, which is in its 13th run already. What this event basically is, chefs from various fine dining restaurants have came together to prepare their specialty meals in a mini bite size version for the crowd to sample. You can try them by buying Taste tokens. For more information, please visit

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOyster Sabayon | Samplings on the Fourteen

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMuscovy Duck Breast | Tanzini Restaurant

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAEnoki Ham Roll | Dynasty Restaurant

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFuji Maki | Sagano Japanese Restaurant

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGreen Tea Noodle with Soy Sauce and Ikura | Sagano Japanese Restaurant

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Wagyu Beef Cheek Rendang, Farm Vegetables Achar Jelatah, Tumeric Coconut Rice | Nook Restaurant

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASmoked Scallop Umai Sushi | Nook Restaurant

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASauteed Shrimp with Spicy Tomato Sauce | Qba Restaurant

The dishes pictured above will give you can idea of the serving size and what to expect from the TasteMIGF event, most of the food that I sampled were really good. I was there as a guest, courtesy of TV Smith for the Festival Gala launch of TasteMIGF. If you’re planning to head over there tomorrow, you’ll need to purchase tokens with some of the dishes starting at RM10 per serving.

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All pictures were shot with Olympus EPL5 using Olympus 14-42mm lens, lit up using LED lighting.