Thursday, January 26, 2012

Nail Art: Tuxedo (Inspired by Zooey Deschanel)


If you didn’t already know, last weekend was the 69th Annual Golden Globes. For the glamorous event, Zooey Deschanel rocked a tuxedo manicure and set a nail art trend, with many girls attempting this nail art (including yours truly) :P Well, first of all, it looked uber cute and it is easier to do than it seems be.


Here is my version of the Tuxedo nail art. Basically, I didn’t improvised and basically did an almost similar one. Heh. What do you think? Before I post up more pictures of my nail art, I just want to share with you the Tuxedo tutorial I made because it was too easy not to share out how I did it. All that was made out of the nail art was basically dots of different sizes.

Tuxedo Nail Art Tutorial

Simple, isn’t it? :) This rounded bow tie is definitely easier to do compared to the triangular shapes ones; it’s cuter too! Do share this tutorial around with your friends and if you tried them out, do show me your pictures! :)



If you looked closely, the buttons for the nail art have another larger almost transparent dot over it. That would be the top coat. Because my black dots always seemed to smeared as I apply my Seche Vite Top Coat. I don’t know if there was something wrong with the Seche Vite top coat but by dotting some top coat over the black dots. The dots would not smeared anymore when you paint the final layer of top coat.


And I had to take a picture of my nails with my bow tie and collar! They look so matching, it hard to resist a photo opportunity like this. The only downside was that I didn’t have a photographer to help me with the shots. I’ll tell you honestly that I must have taken at least 100 shots to get only like two decent enough shots. And the picture below was the other shot. They looked awesome, no? ;)


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