I know I have been MIA-ing from my blog for about a week plus; well let’s just say I’m pretty busy with tonnes of activities.
My weekends was gone to a Homestay Programme in Perak (I’ll be blogging about it soon) and the following weekdays was spent in college. By the time I came back home after college, I’ll be too tired to even lift my finger. So, what more about blogging. On those nights I slept around 11 pm, which is early for an insomniac like me.
So, I thought I’ll post a filler first.
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Alice in Wonderland themed journals! God, these look so pretty. :)
I could really use something like that. Hint hint. :D
I love to blog-hop from one blog shop to another; it has become like my favorite hobby recently and I stumbled into Aly & Kate. And my, it’s not usual blog shop that sells clothes. They sell preeeeeeettty stationaries. They have planners, journals, decoration stickers… anything you name, they have it.
I want this! God, I love polaroids.
Ballerina rubber stamps.
Do drop by there, clicking on the pictures would bring you to their blogshop.
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Maybe you do know, maybe you don’t know yet, or maybe you do know now that I am so so in love with papers, notebooks, planners, journals... basically stationaries. I have always wanted a Moleskin notebook which costs around RM 90 for one. The funny thing is I know if I were to buy one of those Moleskin notebook, I could never bring myself to use it.
I got this notebook for my birthday from Kimmy about a few years back and till today I haven’t touch the book yet.

Guess what, I still want more and more notebooks!