Monday, April 30, 2012

Photo: Why do we get hurt?


| why do we get hurt? |

Because, we let people into our lives. We let them far too in, they know far too much. We trusted them, but in the end, all they do is break our hearts.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Fashion: 20120405’s look


I love rompers because it looks so cute and fun when you wear them out! Sadly enough, this is my only romper. I haven’t been able to find that looks good on me. Most rompers looks too casual and plain. I would prefer a dressy one, which is why I loved this floral printed one. I paired it with knee high socks because the romper was so short and my friends thought I didn’t wear anything underneath. =.= It’s a romper, boys.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fashion: 20120409’s look


This is one of the few T-shirts that I actually have and wear it out, because the thing for me is that I simply don’t wear T-shirts. T-shirts are what I wear at home, but I’d give statement tees a pass. Plus, I love what was written on the tee, which was the sole reason why I got it in the first case. Haha. (It’s from Brands Outlet, if you want to get one.)

I love you.

That’s my secret.

No hearts. No pretty drawing.

No poems or cryptic message.

I love you. <3

I paired it up with my ever so trusty, basic bodycon skirt. :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Review: Biolyn Hair Spa Experience

Remember when I blogged about Biolyn, around the mid of March? Good news, they have emailed the e-invites for the Hair Spa experience for those who have registered! So, do check your emails and redeemed it fast because you only have till 30th April to do so. :) Anyway, I had my appointment made for Saturday; the weekends are of the rare days when I’m free. And, it’s usually spent with the family. Then, I thought why not bring the family for it as well. After all, they already registered for it.

* * * * * * * *

Initially, I mentioned that you need to pay RM 10 to get the Hair Spa experience in my blog post, but as it turns out, you don’t have to already! :) The new free session is similar to the earlier one except without the hair care treatment and hair cut. Which now means you get a hair wash, hair scalp treatment and a free product; the phyto hyaluronic acid solution for skin.

IMG_3950This is how the e-invite looks like, and the free product too. :)

My appointment was for 1pm, but I was late and hence, I missed my slot. So, I had to wait for some time as their stylists were tending to other customers. They recently opened in December with only two stylists at the moment. That’s why the wait for longer compared to the usual salon. According to Joey (the salon’s manager), it is advisable to come during the weekdays because they have less customer on those days. But parking is a hassle then.

While waiting, we were served with green tea and samples of Biolyn’s supplement drink. Yummy, jelly-ish honey drink. Haha. You can have a walk around the salon to shop for other Biolyn’s products. The products they have are usually healthy ones for the hair, skin and body.

IMG_3956They also have it displayed on the individual counters, easier to browse the products.

IMG_3989Took a picture while waiting for my turn!

biolynStylist, Nicol working on mom’s hair.

In the left picture, she is massaging, for the scalp treatment and in the right, she is washing the hair using Biolyn’s chemical free shampoo. What I like about the Hair Spa experience was that, the stylists took the time to explain the hair problems each of us faced. Like hair loss, dry and split ends.. just to name a few. Then, they would recommend a regime we should follow and what type of products to use. But, it was not hard sell for their products. Just recommendations. :)

I really enjoyed myself for this experience and my family did too. They all had a mini hair makeover because the stylists did blow dry and styled their hair. Not so much for me, she just tied it up because I had too much hair. Haha.

And, it gets even better. While doing my hair, Nicol apologized because she was too busy to tell me in details what product I should use for my super dry damaged hair. She took down my number and said she’ll call me when she is free to explain to me in details. How awesome is that? :D

IMG_4026Wee! After the hair spa look.

IMG_4009Sis really loved her new slightly wavy hair! I think it looks good on her. :)

biolyn2See how thick my hair is? What should I do abt it? Hair blues hair blues! :(

So, for those who are interested in the Hair Spa, Biolyn is currently having a few promotions.


  • RM 10 for four Royal Hair Treatments (Scalp Care Treatment + Shampooing + Haircut + Hair Care Treatment)


  • RM 39 for four Royal Hair Treatments (Scalp Care Treatment + Shampooing + Haircut + Hair Care Treatment) and a one product (Either the Hair & Scalp Serum with Phyto Hyaluronic Acid OR Skin Essence with Phyto Hyaluronic Acid)


I also managed to snap of picture of the other services they offered and the best thing is that most of them comes with product. Now, you don’t get that other salons. Maybe they do have for rebonding, perm and colouring. But for Biolyn HairSpa, even a simple wash & blow comes with a product. ^-^

So, do drop by for a visit if you want to experience the Hair Spa for yourself and also a gentle reminder to those who registered with me earlier, to redeem your experience, yea?

Here are the details of the salon;

Biolyn HairSpa
55-1,2,3,4, Jalan SP 2/1,
Taman Serdang Perdana,
43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor.
Tel: 03-8941 8303 or 012 226 8157

Monday, April 23, 2012

Walk in The Park: Grasshopper


I have not been able to get much shots from my Walk in The Park, I don’t know if I have ran out of inspiration or I need a change of landscape and environment. I think we all need that. Being in the same place for too long, does bore anyone out. So, anyway this was one of the recent shots I got from my walk. I was aimlessly shooting around and I didn’t realise a grasshopper was there. It scared me when I first saw it, but I thought it’d be nice to try to capture some pictures of it. So, what do you think of the picture? :)

(For more pictures from the Walk in the Park series, click here.)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Fashion: 20120402’s look


It was a Monday when I wore this; I call this my lazy knitted pullover. I usually dress lazily on Monday if I have the blues, which I usually will especially when my classes begin at 8am. It such a pain to get out of the comfy bed, and into the freezing rooms of the college. It is on days like these that I won’t give a damn about what I wear, and hence, I am forever indebted for basics clothes that I can wear repeatedly, and not look like I haven’t washed my clothes since forever. But, basics on its own can get dull and boring so, there is nothing like throwing in a simple uber comfy knitwear to look like that you actually bothered dressing up.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Nail Art: Black Gold Tipped (French Mani style)


I have always wanted to do a French manicure with glittery gold tip and black polish! Finally managed to do them, after so long. Haha, the thing is I actually have quite a few nail art ideas and some of them are in queue. This was one of them. Heh.


Like always, my French manicure are easy to do because I use stickers to guide me. And for this particular nail art, it was even simpler because the gold tip is from Sally Hansen's nail polish strips in Glitz Blitz (I blogged about it in details, so do read more about it if you’re interested in an easy peasy stick on nail polish.) All I had to do from paint the black polish over the glittery gold nail polish strips.

IMG_3639Ah, I love this shot of my nails. You can see the reflection of the blue skies and clouds, on the black polish.

IMG_3660And the blurred background, with the focus on the nail shot! <3

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fashion: 20120416’s look


It was a Monday, and I was feeling blue especially since, I have early class of Business Strategy. There was nothing I longed for, than to stay in bed and read The Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami. Actually, that is what I would do everyday if I could. But ah, how unrealistic. Well, I managed to get myself out of bed, eventually and got dressed in one of my most comfy midi dress; this was the next best thing after the bed. Heh. I love how the dress is a seeming simple tank dress, but the design of the back is a simple cut-out design. And the moment I was back home, I jumped to bed and got lost in the book. Just blissful. :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Photo: Just because I can.

Nearing the end of March, I mentioned here that I collaborated with Joe and Pearl for a photo shoot. I posted up the first picture of the shoot titled; What I am, Who am I about two weeks ago and only now, I’m posting up the second picture from the shoot. (Been busy with exams!) Actually, this picture is already on Joe’s and Pearl’s FB pages and in fact, I already shared it on Facebook as well. So, you might have already seen it there. Heh.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Anyways, before the shoot, I actually met up with both Joe and Pearl to discuss about the themes, ideas and the feel of the shoot. Also, since this was my first time so it’ll be better to have pre-production meeting, just so I know what I’m getting myself into. Haha. Since it was a collaboration, we were trying to merge the three elements into the shoot. We talked about make-up, nails, clothes …. basically the usual stuff.

And then, I asked about my hair. I brought that up because as you know, I naturally have frizzy hair but I rebonded it. At that time of the meeting, I was deciding whether to rebond my hair or not. So, I asked and I told them just how fluffy-ly huge my hair could go. I thought rebonding my hair would look neater, but Pearl thought it’ll be harder to style and work with rebonded hair, since it’s flat iron straight.

In the end, we decided on keeping my hair as it is and……. and……. to puff my hair even more, for the dramatic effect! Hehe. I must say that this was the first time anyone saw just how huge my hair could go to. Of course, for the shoot, it was hair sprayed so it looks bigger. I remember Joe telling Pearl, “I want it like a sunflower!”

I have some of my friends telling me I don’t look nice with all that puffy huge hair, or as Tarrant have aptly named it; lion’s mane. But really, I love this shot. For the first time, I’m embracing my puffy hair, just because I can. Jelly?

* * * * * * * * * * *


Photographed by: Joe Low

Make up + Hair by: Pearl Tan extraODDinary

Nails: Nature's Republic RD501


* * * * * * * * * * *

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Elephant Vanishes, Haruki Murakami.

“… I felt something like a pity. I mean, was this really the best this joker could do? Was this all it took to give him such airs of superiority? Could he actually be so satisfied, so happy with himself, for this? It was pathetic.” – The Silence

“But it does happen, right?” he said. “Maybe once, but everyone has that experience. You loathe someone for no reason whatsoever. I’m not the type to have blind hate, but I swear there are people who just set you off. It’s not a rational thing. But the problem is, in most cases, the other guy feels the same way toward you.” – The Silence

* * * * * * * * * * *

“They were just an ordinary lonely boy and an ordinary lonely girl, like all the others. But they believed with their whole hearts that somewhere in the world there lived the 100% perfect boy and the 100% girl for them. Yes, they believed in a miracle.” – On Seeing The 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning

* * * * * * * * * * *

“Because believe me, some things I’d like to forget. But the more I try to wipe them away, the more they pop into my mind. You know what it’s like when you’re trying to fall asleep and it only makes you more wide awake? It’s the same thing. I can’t figure it out. I remember things I couldn’t possibly have known. Sometimes it worries me, remembering the past in so much detail — how am I supposed to have room for what’s to come?” – A Slow Boat to China

“There are some things about myself I can’t explain to anyone. There are some things I don’t understand at all. I can’t tell what I think about things or what I’m after. I don’t know what my strengths are or what I’m supposed to do about them. But if I start thinking about these things in too much detail, the whole thing gets scary. And if I get scared I can only think about myself. I become really self-centred, and without meaning to, I hurt people. So I’m not such a wonderful human being.” – A Slow Boat to China

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Review: Sally Hansen’s Real Polish Strips - Glitz BlitZ

After the long wait, Sally Hansen have finally brought in the Real Nail Polish Strip product in! As always, you’ll find newer products being released overseas and boy, do they take some time just to arrive on our shores. Or worst, sometimes they wouldn’t even be sold over here. So, I couldn’t be happier when Yuberactive picked me to review this product in Glitz Blitz. :)
These polish strips are something similar to the stickers. All you got to do is stick these fancy designed strips on your nails. And, that’s it! You now have a very professionally done manicure. Easy peasy, right? Well, that’s the concept anyway. But is it really as easy as it claims to be? Does it last?
When I first opened the sealed box of the strips, I was greeted by the familiar smell of nail polish. So, in actual fact, these strips are really nail polish and not printed ones because the latter may come off as a bit fake. In each sealed box, there were 8 sizes of nail strips to choose from. To be honest, I felt the sizes were a little limited and most of them didn’t fit my nails. Also, these 8 strips are supposed to be for five fingers. Which leaves me to ask, “What do I do with the strips that do not fit my nails?”
It also comes with an instructions booklet, mini file and a very useful cuticle stick. I won’t be going into the details on how to apply the polish strips because this is a review of the product (heh) and also, the given guidelines were quite direct and easy to understand. However, there was only one confusing part on whether I need to peel the strips off the paper after removing the protective layer. I found out later, that you do indeed need to peel it off and it wasn’t easy to peel it off at all.
But I must admit, that the process of applying and sticking the strips were quite a fun one. In fact, the very idea that I don’t have to apply and wait for my nail polish to dry appeals very much to me. As much as I enjoy putting on polish, I have to admit sometimes it can be a tedious process. Especially when the polish need a few coats more, and it would take forever just to dry. Thanked God for my Seche Vite top coat, which dries nail polishes almost instantaneously.  Speaking of which, the only thing you’ll have to paint for this manicure, is a top coat to protect the nail strips. I must warn you that it is very fragile without it.
Overall, the polish strips is pretty easy to use. However, they are essentially stickers, so you have to be careful when sticking the strips because once you stick the strips, you cannot adjust it. This means it is important to stick it right and to try to not pull/stretch the strips. The designs may be distorted then. As you can see in the picture above, the strip didn’t really fit my last pinky’s nail and also my middle finger’s nail.
So far, the strips have gotten a mixed review from me. As much I loved them, there is one flaw in these strips that I cannot accept; they curl the moment I wash my hands. You can really see how it curls up in this picture. Close-up, it’s really hideous looking and it makes me feel like peeling them off already. I have to stop myself from doing so, like seriously. It would have been an almost perfect product if it wasn’t for this flaw.
Anyway, I fell madly in love with the design for this strips (Glitz Blitz) which is extremely gorgeous. It puts me in a partying mood whenever I look at it because there is tonnes of flakies in these strips. You can actually find similar nail polishes with flakies too, but to achieve the similar even coverage like the strips would require a lot of coats. And that would then make the application of the nail polish uneven. Also, the many coats of nail polish will make it even harder to remove. Hence, I stay away from flakies and glitter all together.
In conclusion, I would say that this is an almost awesome product because of that one flaw that I cannot overlook. But other than that, it would have been close to perfection. However, it retails at RM45.90 which is about the price of an OPI nail polish. These strips only last about 10 days max, but a bottle of nail polish would definitely last longer than that. But if you’re someone who frequents the nail parlour, then, these polish strips can help you achieve the professional manicure with much less hassle.
And, I finally figured out how and what aperture is and does! Haha, I know I have been shooting for some time and I am expected to learn the basics of this. But really, I couldn’t understand them earlier, until Joe who shot me for my recent photoshoot illustrated to me what aperture was using circles. Heh. A few pictures in this post were the result of my experiment with the aperture. I shot in both f/2 and f/8, just to see the difference. Can you spot which pictures are they?
I took a few other pictures that I want to share with you. :) They are however the usual's poses; with an apple and the lip pose. Heh. Also, the lip pictures are edited and so, it doesn’t show the actual colour of the polish strips.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Review: Essence Matt(e) Top Coat


Review: Ever since matte nail polishes came out last year, I have always wanted those polishes. And then, matte top coat came out which means you can get matte polishes over any colours you wanted! Dream come true. Heh. So, I have been shopping around for matte top coat, I was pretty close to getting one from Inglot but thanked God I didn’t. Because Essence’s top coat despite costing only RM 8.90, is a pretty awesome matte top coat. The thing about matte top coats is that it would magnify any imperfections of your nail polish like unevenness and streaks. Also, they take a longer time to dry. But those are not true for Essence’s Matt Top Coat. It was easy to apply with similar brush in Essence’s Where is The Party and also, quick drying. It took about the same time the Seche Vite top coat to dry which is pretty impressive, I would say.

So, I tried the top coat on Majolica Majorca GR319 and this is how it looked liked! (I did a swatch on this polish before, so just click here to read it and compare with the matte coat version)



I actually fallen in love with it after I painted the matte top coat. I had earlier mentioned that I wasn’t too fond of the colour in my blog post on it but I’m loving it with the matte top coat! Now I cannot wait to play with this top coat with my other polishes! Till next time. :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Project: Walk in The Park [with a cute puppy!]

I would usually shoot nature-ish pictures for this project, but this time around, the walk in the park lead me to a cute puppy who loves her pictures to be taken. And I couldn’t resist. Enjoy! (For more pictures from the Walk in the Park series, click here.)


IMG_3069*tries to wink*

IMG_3068*look left*

IMG_3073*look right*

Friday, April 6, 2012

Swatch: Majolica Majorca GR319

IMG_3165Instead of my usual lip pose, I decided to try with just one. This picture have been edited, hence doesn’t show the actual colour of the nail polish. :)
You’ll probably know Majolica Majorca is famous for its make-up products; especially their mascara. Bet you didn’t know they had nail polish as well. I didn’t as well, but this nail polish was gifted to me some time ago and I never did a swatch on it. Why? Simply because I hated the dark green colour. I thought it made my nails look exceptionally old because you can see that I favour bright or pastel colours. But I decided to give it a try again, when I saw the bottle in my collection.

Review: As you can see from the picture above, it is a compact sized nail polish. There is only 3ml in that bottle. Despite the size, I find that the brush is big enough to glide easily and paint my nail in just three simple strokes. It is easy to apply, despite it being a slightly older and opened nail polish. For this polish, three coats would sufficiently give you a nice coverage. (I painted three coats). I have only two coats on my thumb, so the colour is a lighter green. The polish is not a single flat coloured one, but it actually has slight glimmer in it. You can see them in the pictures. Overall, I would say that this is an average polish.

By the way, I’m not sure if you noticed but the three pictures above were actually taken under artificial lighting (I used  fluorescent). Heh. I’m trying to use a different kind of lighting to shoot my nails so I depend less on the sunlight. I kind of like it because it gives the impression that I shot using a black background when in fact, I didn’t. What do you think?

And the last two pictures were of course taken using the sunlight. :) So, do you think the colour is a bit too old for me? Or you really love the colour? Would love to hear from you girls!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Snapshots: March 2012

IMG_2680editPortraiture; my brother. Mostly, annoying. But I still love him very much. 

IMG_2682Raw fish. Chinese style.

IMG_2683Kuala Lumpur’s best porridge. Found in Pudu.

IMG_2742I grew up eating this butter cookies every Chinese New Year. Reminds me a lot of my childhood, when I used to go “Not again.” But now, I’m craving for it.

IMG_2754editCold soba from Gonbei-San during lunch with daddy.

nerdGot myself new glasses to further emphasize that I am a 24/7 kiasu nerd. Heh. :P

IMG_2513Spotted a cute alien on the traffic light, if you stopped at RED you would have seen it.

IMG_2844editMy crucial, essential exam pack for my March sitting.

IMG_2965Supersized Garfield! Too cute to resist taking a picture with it! :D